Directed by Erin Enberg

Notable Festivals: New York State International Film Festival, 2021; Studio City International Film Festival, 2021.
A gangster makes a new life for himself on a remote farm. One day he runs into his old partner, and they share a moment together as the FBI closes in on them. Directedby up-and-coming filmmaker (and Maine native)Erin Enberg, The Getaway complements remarkable production design and camerawork with a compelling narrative. Shot on location in Maine during the height of COVID-19, Enberg’s latest film recreates a bygone era and constructs a picture that is both beautiful and exciting. (Written by Nolan Potter ’22)
In Person: Erin Enberg, Director, and Erik Moody, Actor
Screens: Sun Nov 10 / 10:20am / Nordica Theater 2