David Siev is an emerging filmmaker recognized for his thought-provoking and socially conscious storytelling. Hailing from the heartland of the Midwest, David brings a fresh perspective as a new voice in the industry, infusing his work with the rich tapestry of his Cambodian-Mexican-American background to create deeply personal and universally resonant stories. His directorial debut, the award-winning narrative short film Year Zero, garnered praise for its poignant exploration of his father’s survival during the Cambodian Killing Fields. David’s accent continued with his feature debut, BAD AXE, receiving critical acclaim and numerous accolades, including the SXSW Audiences and Special Jury prizes. The film’s exploration of the American dream in the face of adversity, tackling themes such as the pandemic, racial injustice, and generational trauma, resonated deeply with audiences and led to its recognition, including the Critics Choice Award and a place on the shortlist for the 95th Academy Awards. An activist at heart, David is dedicated to fostering meaningful conversations on the power of representation in storytelling, and has shared his insights through a thought-provoking TED Talk and speaking engagements at esteemed educational institutions such as Harvard, Cornell, Georgetown, and Columbia. Grounded in his Midwest roots and driven by an unwavering commitment to advocacy and social justice, David continues to craft narratives that spark dialogue, create change, and resonate with audiences worldwide, establishing himself as a promising and influential filmmaker on the rise.